
Black Kat Kustoms

Black Kat Kustoms is an American clothing line and custom parts shop in Santa Ana, California. The company specializes in custom cars, hot rods, choppers clothing. The clothing line consists of multi TS, hooded sweatshirts, and beanie cap. Coach Outlet Store Online

The company was founded in 2003 by punk legend Mike social distortion and long hot rodder, Tang Nemarnik Ness. Ness said in an interview the State, he founded Black Kat Kustoms, because he "hates everything" and want to design "kustom cars, hot rods and chopper T-shirt, so I will wear something cool." is Adams details his design in mind DVD reviews punk style clothing to another country for a long time love. He said he was the only save the graphic arts class at the school during his high school years he. Coach Outlet Store

Part of the business, the store is a place where Donnie and Mike on their cars and bicycles to work as a hobby, they occasionally sell.


